Today is suppose to be my sista's 20th birthday.. but we spent the rainy day slacking at home, rotting and doing nothing but watching TV and playing on our own computer and kenneth sleeping on my bed as usual...haha...but then, we had a big early birthday celebration yesterday. It was a busy and rainy day like now, but with my best friends Desmond, Kenichi, dar dar Kenneth and sis's bf. All my marias, old and new gathered at my house to help out with the celebration that started at 4.30pm. Cake arrived at 5pm! Dar dar, Desmond and I gave my sister a red crumpler bag!! Although tired, seeing that smile on her face, i feel that everything is worth it, the whole family is happy, good friends gather together, thats more than what I can ask of~!!! Sob... i hope i can be around for her 21st bday!!
(top)Kenneth posing with a table
of food prepared SPECIALLY
by the chef ~ MY dad!!

(bottom) Small pig playing a prank on big pig with my
..you know what it is haaa!!! my sister and my work of art...NICE rite?
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