Hehehe!!! Happy Anniversary Darling!!!! It was really great to spend the day with you. Went to Vivocity again!!! Well, i went to Vivocity to get Mother Garden Seal collection (it's really really cute!!). Got the big big one and a small small one. You got mad when i didn't get the big big one in a vaccum pack small enough to fit in the luggage. I'm sorry darling. I thought it was small enough. HONEST MISTAKE! Yes, it wasn't really the perfect kinda anniversary that you would have expected. Perhaps i'm a little on the rusty side of things. But nonetheless, today is really significant as it will be our last anniversary together in Singapore. I hate to say that! Sounds really bad and like the end of the world kind of thing. But i love my darling. Truly, madly and deeply. Yes, soemtimes i make you mad, but most of the times i make you laugh cuz of how silly i can get at times! Hahaha!! Really gonna miss you. Love you always.

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