Luckily my mom decided to get me a 2nd phone - nokia 6110 by instalment and with courtesy of my sister's OLD nokia 3230 for trade-in and in conjunction with the NDP promotion. So I got this new COOL phone at $245 with a 6 months instalment...I've tried the navigation function on Singapore map...Ooooo it was fun...with voice direction telling you where to turn on the road...It also comes with short music and song extracts from a variety of albums in different languages. The camera is ok... this is one of the shots I took.......
So with a second phone for my singapore number, please feel free to sms me anytime you want...Its free to receive sms on my singtel line in US and its free for you to send to my singapore number too....!!! Please sms to tell me how much you miss me ok...the person who sends the most message will receive a gift when I get back... hahaha ...I PROMISE!!!
Lastly...I am going back to US next Sunday at 10am....(26th August 2007). I will miss you all !!! Those getting married or giving birth must wait for my return hor..... !!!!!