As of 30 April 2007, 1100hrs, I hereby officially declare this day the day of my freedom!!!!!!!!!! WOHOOOOO!!!!!!! Sweet sweet sweet release from the clutches of books, sleepless nights, zombie eyes, the "mugger's" lifestyle and exam stress!!!!! Wah!!!!!!!!! WAH!!!!! Kk, stay calm, stay coool....
Firstly, i would like to say that i'm sorry for not updating this blog of ours. Should you think that this blog has suddenly not been current to the events in my life, yes, you were right but it was only cuz of the damn exams. Now that I've been through hell and back, I would like to share the moments that have transpired in the past month or so.
**** Please note that some of the following content contains scenes that might be deemed unsuitable for non-muggers who have not grown accustomed to the mugger's lifestyle. Viewer discretion is advised ********

Well, this is me at the beginning. As you can see, I still haven't grown panda eyes and i still can manage a weak smile after going through tons of lecture material and readings. The NUS library is quite a conducive place for studying but the journey back home drains away about an hour of my precious adolescence.

What's a mugger to do without his edible companions? Cola sweets, great for kids and grown ups. It has strange powers of attraction though. A stray scent of it will cause other muggers to come scurrying towards the source. When encountering such situations, fend off other muggers with your pen and highlighter or your pent up frustrations from your time-wasting revisions.

Hahaha, I just couldn't help myself. A funny shot. Goodness, I was trying hard to stifle my laughter. Seems many a student call the library their sanctuary. Sleep soundly, yeah!

In the thick of it all, I gave up making the arduous journey to NUS every single morning. Thank goodness I found another studying nirvana closer to home. SMU!!!!! Yes yes, got to thanks my friends, Eugene and Melvin for their kindness and hospitality. The change in environment was great, I was starting to lose my concentration and spirit for revision. Sometimes, you can only go so far alone, but with friends, they'll take you further than you can ever imagine.

A healthy cup of tea and coffee to power up the mind for the vast volumes of knowledge. Go the distance with a cuppa from Mr Tea, your tea and beverage specialist.

Hmmmm, never knew that i tilted my head so much when I'm studying. Thanks Eugene for the shot. I've discover the reason why my neck aches so much.

Advertisements in the MRT are getting more and more creative and attention seeking. I kinda like this one. If you run out of advertising place, just create it yourself. But sorry Lipton, I prefer Japanese Green Tea.

A beautiful night shot from one of the group study rooms in SMU Economics and Social Science faculty. The view from the study room is stunning at dusk and at night, the lights just mesmerizes you. Absolutely fantastic.
This is a little sad, but I turned 23 on the 25th of April 2007. And i guess you've guessed it by now, I spent it at SMU. Well, it wasn't that bad. Darling, thanks for your wonderful wonderful surprise. The cakes from Gelare were absolutely delicious. Wanna thank Karway and Dione who were in cahoots with Darling. Please please show them this blog. I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

This is Eugene and me.

This is Melvin and me.

Just me. Hahha. To Eugene and Melvin, I still can remember the birthday song you guys sang for me. Hahaha. Very lame, but i appreciate the effort. Have to train in KTV more. Hehehe!

Missed the bright sunny days.

A parting shot from the study rooms of SMU. It's a really great place to be. Meals are very expensive compared to NUS, but it's worth it cuz of the convenience and its facilities. Contemplating on an exchange with SMU to experience the quality of city life compared to village life. Hahahhaa!
And now, if you would excuse me, it's really time for me to do the things that I love. Sleep................. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Darling, come back soon. I miss you dearly.
Dar Dar.